My Story

Hello There, I’m Ethan Reimann

At the youthful age of 14, I’m the proud founder of Reimann Labs, a budding website design and hosting firm that I launched in November 2023.

My journey into the business world is fueled by a lifelong dream and a knack for innovation. Currently, I’m excitedly working on FarmKit, a digital marketplace designed to empower farmers by enabling them to sell directly to consumers at no cost. This venture reflects not just my entrepreneurial spirit, but also my deep-rooted connection to farm life, being raised on a farm with my loving parents. I’m an active member of my local 4H group, a commitment I’ve cherished for 7 years, which has nurtured my sense of responsibility and community engagement. When I’m not managing client projects or brainstorming the next big idea for Reimann Labs, I dive into my diverse hobbies. From archiving old documents and software, reviving retro computers, to losing myself in a good book, each interest adds a unique strand to the fabric of my life. I’m also eagerly anticipating designing WordPress themes later this year, marking another milestone in my continuous learning journey. I’m a young entrepreneur, a community member, a tech enthusiast, and above all, a learner at heart, always excited about the next challenge.